Sarah Potter
Lovettsville, Virginia
Lovettsville, Virginia
Dear Gary,
Thanks for all the Cliser family data you sent us recently. Enclosed are reproduced copies of all the ancestral data, except some photographs, that we have on the Oliver Jett Cliser family. I am still compiling data on his descendants, and we will send copies of that when it is completed.
We feel sure that the information Robert M. Cliser sent us several years ago is correct, because Oliver Jett Cliser agreed that it was, as he remembered it: and that Martin Mathias Cliser born August 4, 1846 and died Feb 11, 1895 was his father, and that he was buried on the CLISER FARM as indicated on his family group sheet that is enclosed.
The CLIZER family information you received from Russel Scott of Olympia, Washington is very interesting; from which I have compiled one family group sheet for the JOHN CLIZER family showing the subject JAMES M. CLISER the oldest of 10 children.
On another family group sheet, I have listed the children of the paternal grandparents, but as stated in the first paragraph of James M. Cliser biography, with a third child named Martin Clizer, which you underlined as being Oliver Jett Cliser's father or grandfather. this child Martin died in Virginia as stated.
We do know the father of Oliver Jett Cliser and additional research will be required to find his grandparents. On July 16, 1976, we were searching records in Washington, Rappahannock County, Virginia and found a land record dated "1836, MARTIN CLIZER, 1166 acres, 130 miles from court house, $2.00 per acre, total value of land and buildings $2332.00, tax $1.87" The courthouse must have been in Richmond at the time. At any rate we will have to recheck further on this, They wanted to close the clerks office as it was getting late. We plan to go back in the Spring and look further.
Sarah & Wayne Potter