Dear Gary Cliser,
I received your letter asking for information on the Cliser Family. I talked with Merle Fox who was a Cliser before marriage. I beleive she wrote you about all I know on the Cliser Family.
My mother was Mattie Cliser, daughter of Ambrose Cliser. My mother had two brothers names John Cliser and Frank Cliser, but neither of them married. My grandfather Ambrose had brothers brothers named Samuel and Matt, as I always heard him called. Possible his real name was Martin. You mentioned him to be your great grandfather. Matt has a son I know by the name of Jett. Jett had a large family, according to a local 53 year old man, he went to a one room mountain school named Rocky Branch with boy named Bernard Cliser, Could this have been your father? If so, was he born and raised here in Page County?
This is all I can give you on our anscestors. Mrs. Fox may have given you more information. I wish you good luck and success with the book you plan to publish. I am sure it will be very interesting.
Edward Bowen
Rt 1
Luray, Virginia 22835