North 1118 Bates
Spokane, Washington
Dear Cousin Gary,
I have your letter here that you wrote to my sister Dora Stockdale. I have copies of some information that you may be interested in.
Our grandfather was Benjamin F. Clizer and our mother was Letitia A. Clizer born in Andrew County, Missouri. We are very much interested in this sort of thing, but have never done anything about it except try to save bits of informatio as we find them. If you are interested, I could trace our family farther to include prresent day members.
My grandfather Benjamin F. Clizer came to Washington around 1879 by covered wagon. They started once and then turned back because of Indian uprisings in the Black Hills. It took them about 3 months to get here. My mother (Letitia) was about 9 years old at the time.
Lela Jacklin